Hello there!


We would love to talk to you – or email, write letters using fountain pens, encode messages with our Captain Marvel decoder rings from a box of Cracker Jacks, and yes, one or two of us know Morse code. For that matter, we have staff that expands our language capability to 9 languages!!!


Please fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page with general inquiries, or for specific attention:


Of course – feel free to email us directly at the appropriate email address:


Customer Inquiries – Sales@HeavyGoatIndustries.com


HR – we believe HR is so important, that all HR inquiries get forwarded to both our HR manager and the Old Goat – StrategicHR@HeavyGoatIndustries.com



(A moment of Goat Philosophy here – we do not believe the customer comes first, instead we believe our team comes first. If we do not have a stellar team, how could we possibly assist our clients? Yeah, yeah, chicken, egg, etc. We are Goats damnit, not chickens. And since we surround ourselves with other Goats all day, well then, )

Customer Support – Service@HeavyGoatIndustries.com

Accounting – Accounting@HeavyGoatIndustries.com